Well, it appears that once again I have managed to completely abandon this blog.
Once again, I'm gonna try and un-abandon it.
So hello! It's been a while. A very long, blogless while. But hopefully, that's going to change.
I recently discovered that I have a gluten intolerance, and to be honest I don't think I've ever taken any news more badly because there's nothing I love more than a slice of cake or an overly-buttered croissant. Naturally, my immediate response was to go home and bake this cake with my wheat-free tears.
The selection of GF cakes and breads in supermarkets are good, but they all seem to play home to the same dry, crumbly, brickish texture. Bleh.
I was determined to play around with some recipes to get something more cloud-like and appetising, and this is what I came up with!
Strawberry, Rhubarb and Ginger Gluten Free Cake
1 cup softened butter
1 cup caster sugar
4 eggs
1 cup plain gluten free flour
1tsp gluten free baking powder
2tsp runny honey
1 cup sliced strawberries
1tbsp rhubarb conserve (+ extra to glaze the cake)
Handful of chopped crystallised ginger
Start off by spreading the strawberry slices across a baking tray, and baking them at 200*C for ten minutes, until they're caramelised.
Whilst the berries are being blasted in the oven, cream the butter and sugar together.
Next, separate the eggs. Drop the yolks into the sugar and butter, and the whites in a separate bowl. Mix the yolks, sugar and butter and smooth and fluffy. Whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks are formed.
Sieve the flour and baking powder into the butter and sugar mixture, and mix in well.
Take the strawberries out of the oven, and dab off the extra moisture with kitchen roll. Turn the oven down to 180*C.
Add the strawberries, chopped ginger, honey and rhubarb conserve into the mix.
A little at a time, fold in the whipped egg whites until combined.
Pour into a greased cake tin, and bake for 20 minutes.
Once baked, glaze the top of the cake with rhubarb conserve whilst the cake is still hot. Top with remaining ginger and strawberries.
Om nom nom.
Whisking the egg whites made this cake beautifully light and fluffy, and gave it a gorgeous crumb texture that a lot of guten free cakes tend to lack (if I do say so myself).
Try it out and comment your thoughts!
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